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File Name                : Heim-GSS-1_00970000_09030600_09032700.ch10
File Size                : 514,105,544 bytes
Recorder Manufacturer    : ZODIAC - Heim
Recorder Model           : GSS
Recorder Firmware        : 2.27
IRIG 106 Version (Data)  : 106-05 or earlier
IRIG 106 Version (TMATS) : 106-07
Indexing                 : Disabled
Events                   : Disabled
Recording Date / Time    : 04-07-2009-10-59-23
Data Start Time          : 097:09:03:06.000
Data Stop Time           : 097:09:03:27.182
Data Types               : Channel  Data Type              (Type Num)  Packet Count
                           -------  ---------------------- ----------  ------------
                                0   User Defined             (0x00)            22  
                                0   TMATS                    (0x01)             1  
                                1   Time                     (0x11)            22  
                                3   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                4   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                5   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                6   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                7   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                8   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                                9   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                               10   UART                     (0x50)           204  
                               43   Video Format 0           (0x40)           224  
                               44   Video Format 0           (0x40)           224  
                               51   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           811   Throughput
                               52   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           811   Throughput
                               53   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           811   Throughput
                               54   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           521   Throughput
                               55   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           470   Packed with Frame Sync
                               56   PCM Format 1             (0x09)           470   Unpacked
                               59   Analog                   (0x21)          4159   
                               60   Analog                   (0x21)           260   
                               61   Analog                   (0x21)           260   
                               62   Analog                   (0x21)           260   
                               63   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               64   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               65   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               66   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               67   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               68   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               69   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               70   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               71   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               72   ARINC 429                (0x38)           223  
                               73   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               74   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               75   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               76   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               77   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               78   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               79   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               80   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               81   ARINC 429                (0x38)           212  
                               82   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               83   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               84   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               85   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               86   ARINC 429                (0x38)           224  
                               87   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               88   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               89   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               90   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               91   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               92   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               93   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               94   1553                     (0x19)           372  
                               95   Ethernet                 (0x68)           230  
                               96   Ethernet                 (0x68)           442  

Other Notes              : MRG100 (PCM)
                         :   Ch1:	20 Mbit/s METS231 PN15, Throughput
                         :   Ch2:	10 Mbit/s METS231 Format 1, Throughput
                         :   Ch3:	5 Mbit/s METS231 PN15, Throughput
                         :   Ch4:	0.2 Mbit/s METS231 PN15, Throughput
                         :   Ch5:	10 Mbit/s METS231 Format 1, Packed
                         :   Ch6:	10 Mbit/s METS231 Format 1, Unpacked
                         :   Ch7:	Disabled
                         :   Ch8:	Disabled
                         : ANH100 (Analog)
                         :   Ch1:	Sampling Rate=6.4 MHz, 8 bit, Video
                         :   Ch2:	Sampling Rate=40 kHz, 16 bit, Audio
                         : ANH100 (Analog)
                         :   Ch1:	Sampling Rate=160 kHz, 8 bit, IRIG-B
                         :   Ch2:	Sampling Rate=160 kHz, 8 bit, 1 PPS
                         : ARR100 (ARINC 429)
                         :   Ch1-10:	METS Pattern,  high speed, load 100,90,80,70,60,50 %
                         :   Ch11-20:METS Pattern,  low speed, load 100,90,80,70,60,50 %
                         :   Ch21-24:METS Pattern,  high speed, load 100,90,80,70
                         : UAR100 (1553)
                         :   CH1-8:	METS Single Message, 30% load
                         : ASM100 (UART)
                         :   CH1-8:	METS pattern, 115.2 kBaud
                         : ETH100 (Ethernet)
                         :   Ch1:	VideoLAN UDP,, earlier recorded video sample 
                         :   CH1:	METS Multi Frame, 100T, 10%
                         : VCR100 (Video)
                         :   Ch1:	5 Mbit/s, time, video sample file, METS231 time insertion
                         :   Ch2:	5 Mbit/s, time, METS231 color bars and time insertion 
                         :   Ch3:	Disabled 
                         :   Ch4:	Disabled 
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sample_data/heim-gss-1_00970000_09030600.1547176979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/10 21:22 by bob

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