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(JULY 2017)

Prepared by: Telemetry Group, Range Commanders Council

Published by: Secretariat, Range Commanders Council, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, 88002

Cover, Preface, Table of Contents, and Summary of Changes
1. Introduction
2. Transmitter and Receiver Systems
3. Frequency Division Multiplexing Telemetry Standards
4. Pulse Code Modulation Standards
5. Digitized Audio Telemetry Standard
6. Recorder & Reproducer Command and Control
7. Packet Telemetry Downlink
8. Digital Data Bus Acquisition Formatting Standard
9. Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard
XML TMATS Documentation
10. Digital On-board Recorder Standard
11. Recorder Data Packet Format Standard
21. Telemetry Network Standard Introduction
22. Network-Based Protocol Suite
23. Metadata Configuration
XML Schema
MDL Examples
MDL Relationships
24. Message Formats
TSS Reference Applications
25. Management Resources
Management Resource Matrix (Excel)
Management Resource Matrix (CSV)
Management Resource Matrix (JSON)
Management Resource Matrix (HTML)
Management Resource Matrix (HTML with JavaScript)
Management Resource Matrix (Dynamic HTML)
Management Resource Matrix (SNMP MIB)
Management Resource Matrix Tools
26. TmNSDataMessage Transfer Protocol
27. Radio Frequency Network Access Layer
TmNS Link Calculator
RAN Bandwidth Calculator
TmNS Data Rate Calculations
28. Radio Frequency Network Management
A.1 Pulse Amplitude Modulation Standards
A.2 Magnetic Tape Recorder and Reproducer Information and Use Criteria
A.3 ADARIO Data Block Field Definitions
A.4 Asynchronous Recorder Multiplexer Output Reconstructor (ARMOR)
IRIG 106-17_Telemetry_Standards.pdf

Beginning with RCC 106-17, the appendixes that were previously stand-alone documents are now integrated with the chapters that cover the same material. This does not include four appendixes that are retired but maintained for historical purposes; these four remain stand-alone files and are renamed as annexes. The following lists new locations for the appendixes.

Appendix A - Frequency Considerations for Telemetry Chapter 2, Appendix 2-A
Appendix B - Use Criteria for Frequency Division Multiplexing Chapter 3, Appendix 3-A
Appendix C - PCM Standards (Additional Information and Recommendations) Chapter 4, Appendix 4-A
Appendix D - Magnetic Tape Recorder and Reproducer Information and Use Criteria Annex A.2
Appendix E - Deleted (Available Transducer Documentation) none
Appendix F - Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation Chapter 5, Appendix 5-A
Appendix G - ADARIO Data Block Field Definitions Annex A.3
Appendix H - Application of the Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard Chapter 9, Appendix 9-A
Appendix I - Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard Cover Sheet Chapter 9, Appendix 9-B
Appendix J - Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard Format Example Chapter 9, Appendix 9-C
Appendix K - Pulse Amplitude Modulation Standards Annex A.1
Appendix L - Asynchronous Recorder Multiplexer Output Reconstructor (ARMOR) Annex A.4
Appendix M - Properties of the Differential Encoder Specified in IRIG Standard 106 for OQPSK Modulations Chapter 2, Appendix 2-B
Appendix N - Telemetry Transmitter Command and Control Protocol Chapter 2, Appendix 2-C
Appendix O - Floating Point Formats Chapter 9, Appendix 9-D
Appendix P - Derived Parameter Specification Chapter 9, Appendix 9-E
Appendix Q - Extended Binary Golay Code Chapter 7, Appendix 7-A
Appendix R - Low-Density Parity Check Code for Telemetry Systems Chapter 2, Appendix 2-D
Appendix S - Space-Time Coding for Telemetry Systems Chapter 2, Appendix 2-E
irig_106-17.1661204774.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/22 16:46 by bob

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